Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Freedom Fighter Late Shri Keshav Chandra Saha

Late Shri Keshav Chandra Saha (1915-1995) was a great freedom fighter, educationalist, Social worker and poet from eastern part of Chhattisgath(then a part of Madhyapradesh). He was born in the bordering village of Bade Nawapara in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. Leading the Gandhian movements in the area he played an important role in 1942 freedom struggle. As among very few freedom fighters in the district he spread the message and movements started by Gandhiji.
As a Gauntiya (head of the villeage) of Bada Nuapada(Bade Nawapara) he solely constructed more than 30 temples in the village. This in itself is a record of the region. Among them the "Shiv Mandir" is notably beautiful for it's architecture.
He was also a great believer in water harvesting and nurturing farmers. He lead to dig 7 ponds in the village way back decades ago.
A great promoter of education, he started the first school in any rural village of Raigarh district in 1948. People say when there was no government aid was given to the school he himself paid salaries to all the teachers and ran hostels(in 1951) on his own. Being an ardent Gandhian, he was very modest to not take credit and named the school in the name of Mahatma Gandhi(Amar Bapu Saniwas Vidyalaya). There are thousand of people who studies there and are in big government posts or doing good in politics.
Late Mr. Saha's literature(Gandhi Chautisa, Bharat Samgam,Alhadini Shakti,bhakt ra janana to be named few) have been recognized by one and all.
After independence when royal families were still ruling the governments by pseudo democracy, Mr. Saha was the first to stand
in the elections(twice in 1956 and 1967) against then Raja of Sarangarh and former CM of Madhyapradesh Raja Naresh Chandra. He always instilled the value of democracy into the common people and so many local leaders stood up to fight against pseudo democracy in the region.
To honor this great son of soil, Chhattisgarh government has started a project "Keshav Kunj Jalashaya Yojna" in his name.

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